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Ya gotta move it...

August was pretty much a bust. I spent most of the first part of the month quarantining due to possible Covid exposure and the last part with Covid. 

I love to dance and belong to a wonderful dance company ( We typically perform several times a year. I missed nearly all of August's practices and a performance, focusing on rest and recuperation--and not giving the crud to anyone else. 

Last night was the first time I had been to practice in a month. My muscles screamed and zinged and laughed from the workout. I coughed a little but wore a mask to not expose anyone to possibly anything I could have. I've been fever-free for over a week now. Yay!

Movement was joy. It was laughter and rain and sunshine all in one. And, for the most part, I remembered the choreo.

I came home recharged and invigorated. Our bodies are made to move. Break me off a piece of those good hormones any day!

Oh--and Saturday is our second to last performance of the season. We'll be in Provo at the Latinfest.


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