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Dancing Kudos

Last night was our dance company's final performance of the season: Mini-Fest at Heritage Park in Cedar Hills. This picture was from our practice on Tuesday night. I'll upload pictures from the actual event when I can. Isn't Gypsy Melody's fan dance breath taking?!?

The show started at 6:30 pm and ended at about 9:00 pm. There was a variety of dancers and dance styles, including Aztec. One of the belly dancers brought her pet snake! I thought her prop was very cool...until I saw its head move! It twined around her as she danced. Ewww. Normally a group of Polynesian dancers perform the hula at our annual event. I guess they weren't able to make it this year.

I think my favorite dance of the evening was a toss up between Sahira, Shirin, and Yarah's sword dance and Black Star Dance Company's performance. I would not want to meet That Trio in the proverbial dark alley with a sword! Black Star Dance Company (formerly Indie Kumari) is just plain cool! Someday I hope to have isolations as controlled as theirs. Their shimmies. Wow! It's like there is a disjoint between the upper and lower halves of their bodies. Total control.

Halima said that Gypsy Rhthym stole the show with our double veil, candle, and sword dance. My favorite part of that dance, besides getting to dance with fire, is that I get to do a backbend. Don't worry. We were completely safe. Besides our (ha, ha) tremendous skills, we danced with lights similar to these.

One of the local newspapers attended the event. Watch for a write up in a newspaper near you!


sherbugs said…
The snake was kinda crazy...I don't think I could have done it! The whole evening was great and sad at the same time. I miss everyone already and can't wait for troupes to start again.

I will be taking classes with Black Star on Thursday nights...I think they're 8:30-9:30 at the home of the Red Devils. I would totally love it if you could make it fit in your schedule!!!

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