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Healthy Fast Food to Go

AGI'S RAW FOODS offers healthy fast food to go, ready to eat in pre-packaged containers. FRESH . GOURMET . ORGANIC . VEGAN . RAW .
Salads, soups, pates, and desserts that you savour right down to the very last morsel.


Individual Meals - $ 15
Order 6 Meals, Receive the 7th Absolutely FREE
Delivery Fee: $ 5.00 - Utah County / $ 8.00 - outside of Utah County
FREE DELIVERY on orders $ 150 or more!

ALSO: OPEN ONLY ON MONDAYS -- 12 am - 6 pm


698 E 300 S Provo UT 84606

Or take a class....

$15/class or buy 3 classes for $45 (Receive the 4th class FREE). Payment must be received by Thursday, January 29. Please send payment to:

Agi's Raw Foods
698 E 300 S
Provo UT 84606

Tuesday, 02/03 6 - 9 pm $15 - WHY RAW, LIVING FOOD? Easy Start on RAW: Nut milks, breakfast ideas, soups, & sprouts. Learn to grow your own wheatgrass. We will also discuss the importance of a clean colon. Light dinner will be served.

Tuesday, 02/10 6 - 9 pm $ 15 - Learn to make raw salad dressings, hummus, dips, pates, meat substitutes. The importance of SPICES! Easy liver & gallbladder cleanse. Light dinner will be served.

Tuesday, 02/17 6 - 9 pm $ 15 - Dehydrated foods. Crackers, fruits, pizza crust, & breads. Kidney health. Light dinner will be served.Tuesday, 02/24 6 - 9 pm $ 15Raw desserts, ice creams, cookies, & smoothies.How to strengthen the immune system with herbs and food. Light dinner will be served.


Saturday, 02/07 9am - 12 noon - Duane Erickson, who has done extensive research on the geography of the Book of Mormon, will share his life time research in a digital presentation on that which has come forth from just wanting to know where the people in the Book of Mormon lived their lives. Because there is so much to share for the limited time he will let the attendees determine what part of his research he will share with specific interest in more recent findings that identify where Noah lived while building the Ark-- where the Ark left from in Utah, how it managed to end up in the mountains of Ararat and what these findings could mean to mankind. All this substantiates the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. This is amazing information that is not available through church or schools. Duane has an extensive collection of Indian (Book of Mormon) artifacts and pictures of artifacts found in all parts of the United states.

Duane is also the inventor of the Hanging Food Pantrie and will also speak and answer questions on this natural, non-electric hanging food dehydrator and sprouter he invented.

He will have some available if anyone wants one. Go here for more information. Custom CDs and/or DVDs can be ordered at the presentation for a donation to the BMS (Book of Mormon Students) Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 2345, Evanston, WY 82931-801 652-5566

If you're planning on attanding this presentation please call 801-652-5577


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